


如題~ 請各位大大幫我把以下的40的單字造一個簡短的句子~(可以的話請把"單字"的意思跟我說一下)1.classroom2.computer3.breakfast4.music5.fun6.handsome7.fat8.badminton9.dodge ball10.daughter11.expensive12.cheap13.chough14.coffee15.drawer16.chocolate17.put18.second19.blend20.feed21.always22.twice23.busy ... 顯示更多 如題~ 請各位大大幫我把以下的40的單字造一個簡短的句子~ (可以的話請把"單字"的意思跟我說一下) 1.classroom 2.computer 3.breakfast 4.music 5.fun 6.handsome 7.fat 8.badminton 9.dodge ball 10.daughter 11.expensive 12.cheap 13.chough 14.coffee 15.drawer 16.chocolate 17.put 18.second 19.blend 20.feed 21.always 22.twice 23.busy 24.market 25.plan 26.something 27.album 28.October 29.exercise 30.practice 31.enjoy 32.violin 33.together 34.mountain 35.climb 36.temple 37.tadpole 38.nervous 39.museum 40.problem 麻煩各位囉!


1.classroom 教室There is a boy in the classroom. 2.computer 電腦My father bought me a new computer. 3.breakfast 早餐He is having breakfast. 4.music 音樂Listening music is my hobby. 5.fun 娛樂、樂趣We had a lot of fun last night. 6.handsome 英俊的Andy is a handsome boy. 7.fat 肥胖的Aunt Sarah is fat. 8.badminton 羽毛球I played badminton with my brother. 9.dodge ball 躲避球Let’s play dodge ball. 10.daughter 女兒I have three daughters. 11.expensive 昂貴的This television is expensive. 12.cheap 便宜的Eggs are very cheap now. 13.chough 歐洲的紅嘴山鴉Chough is a kind of birds.14.coffee 咖啡I want a cup of coffee. 15.drawer 抽屜I put some books in the drawer. 16.chocolate 巧克力Chocolate is my favorite snake. 17.put 放置He put his textbooks on the table.18.second 第二的She lives in the second floor.19.blend 使混合 He blended the butter and sugar together.20.feed 餵養,飼養He feed the fish every day.21.always 總是I will always love you. 22.twice 兩次He comes to work twice a week. 23.busy 忙碌的He is busy at work. 24.market 市場They put a new product on the market. 25.plan 計畫What’s your plan for the weekend? 26.something 某事Are you trying to hide something for me? 27.album 相簿This album is full of snapshots of Dick and Jack. 28.October 十月Are you born in October? 29.exercise 經驗,體驗She had no experience of life at all. 30.practice 練習,學習Learning a language needs a lot of practice. 31.enjoy 使過得快活;使得到樂趣Are you enjoying yourself? 32.violin 小提琴Do you play the violin? 33.together 一起They went to the theater together. 34.mountain 山Look at this mountain in the picture! 35.climb 攀登We started to climb the hill. 36.temple寺廟There is a Buddhist temple in this town. 37.tadpole 蝌蚪Tadpoles grow into frogs. 38.nervous 緊張不安的He’s nervous of strangers. 39.museum 博物館His works hang in many museums. 40.problem 問題Do you have any problem?


未免太多了吧~~!要是我造不出來 解答者超厲害!!!|||||「關於此類問題,可前往參考Yahoo!奇摩線上字典,有很詳細的資訊: http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/」3A8EEB5CD5F28899

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