
Baruch College的MBA課程


請問一下Baruch College的MBA課程 1. 請問申請的門檻跟條件(例如TOEFL和GMAT的分數等等) 2. 完成學位需要花多久時間 3. 學費大概是多少???? 感謝英語翻譯回答^^


0. 妳好懶喔,自己不找。 1. http://zicklin.baruch.cuny.edu/admissions/grad/process.html (自己看) TOEFL: Full-Time Honors MBA All other full-time and part-time MBA and MS programs Average TOEFL/TWE score of those admitted 263 / 4.8 (628 / 4.8) 253 / 4.5 (610 / 4.5) Minimum TOEFL/TWE score 253 / 4.5 (610 / 4.5) 243 / 4.0 (590 / 4.0) iBT Total Preferred (R/L/W/S) 102 (27/26/24/25) 102 (27/26/24/25) Minimum iBT Total (R/L/W/S) **ABE Required** 96 (26/25/22/23) 96 (26/25/22/23) GMAT: Average GMAT score of those admitted GMAT Score below which few students are admitted Full-Time Honors MBA 645 600 All other full-time and part-time MBA and MS programs 590 Mid 500's GPA: Average GPA for honors MBA admits is approximately 3.4; very few are admitted below 2.9 2. Comprising the honor student's first year, the core also threads through the third and fourth semesters. = FULL TIME 會要兩年 3. Tuition and Fees For all MBA programs other than Executive MBA New York State Resident Non-Resident and International Full-time Students (12 or more credits) $4,400 per term $600 per credit Part-time Students (less than 12 credits) $ 400 per credit $600 per credit Total First-Year Expenses by Degree Sought* MBA $34,381 MBA Honors $37,381


超優質的大學課程教學影片http://Now.to/1l1 ,文法商理工醫,通通都有喔!我們幫您把老師請回家裡了!不用再通車去補習了 http://Now.to/1l1 (請將網址複製貼到IE網址列,就可看到!),裡面的老師真的教的不錯呢,而且有很多英文、日文、韓文和其他語言的課程,有從國中、高中、旅遊、商業…等等,價格又比補習班便宜很多,自己缺什麼最清楚,我自己也是這樣進修的,而且不用跑補習班和大家人擠人,希望對你有幫助!|||||CUNY-BARUCH 是所很具競爭性的學校 請至留美面面談部落格申請學校項目看看參考 Wish you success~10449D54D250ED3E

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